Kent Lambert and Dave Schultheis have said that they would rather serve in a pure minority in the legislature than in a majority that included pro-abortion legislators.
Dave Schultheis told the Gazette that the pro-life plank of the party justifies purges of Republicans. Lambert advocated "thinning the ranks of weak Republicans."
Contrast those positions with what happened in Massachusetts on January 19th. Pro-Choice Republican Scott Brown was elected in no small part due to the efforts of that state's Right to Life organization. It reports having made 440,000 phone calls to pro-life families in support of Brown. It also sent out 170,00 cards and funded radio ads in support of Brown.
If Republicans can come together to win an important election in the most liberal state in the union, why can't they come together to take back Colorado?
The answer, sadly, is in the first sentence of this post.